Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Lets Find Out Who Stevens Adonis Is And What Does He Do | @Adonis_D7


Lets Find Out Who Stevens Adonis Is And What Does He Do

1. What was life like living in Haiti?

Living in haiti honestly was normal to me it’s not until I came back to the states is when I knew how I was living there .

2. When did you come to America from Haiti?

I came back to the states don’t quote me but 7 or 8 years old . Went to live with my aunt in Wyandanch Ny .

3. What were some of the biggest obstacles you faced when you came to America?

I could name two learning how to speak English is one and how wide my eyes was open to racism .

4. What is a memory you have from your time in Haiti that stands out to you?

Kite fights on top of my roof . In haiti a lot of houses have square top roof to collect water when it rains . But when it’s dry we flying kites trying to tangle with other kites flying in the air w across town . Than you wheel it in as if u fishing just to take the other persons kite to fly it back up . Kite Wars

5. What traits do you have that you feel come from your time spent in Haiti?

Work ethic is one for sure ,relentless is another I like because I can fail and fail but I keep going . The grind all comes from Haiti and the Appriciation too we could keep going but I love where I come from.

6. What is District 7 the label?

District7 is a music label and the table . Music label first . It’s where we silently invest in other artist , our artist , producers , videographers and all entertainment. And I say “the table “I mean everyone brings something to the table it’s where ideas get toss around , and where debates happens . It where we “create our own luck “.

7. What sparked your desire to start your own record label?

I’ve always been surrounded by talent so it was a a no brainer .

8. How did you make the transition from music to starting The Emerald Corp?

Honestly this happened at “the table” my partner now in that business Micheal Garcia is an executive/ artist / producer and his home is District7. So like I said the whole team always throws around ideas and him and I always talk about products and manufacturing. He was in a similar field already and we did ventures together from a young age and that it could be a good transition for us . After a few months of strategizing we decided we was all in. Took a smart leap created Emerald .

9. What advice can you give young entrepreneurs that come from a similar situation?

Don’t ever lose yourself and always know that the information is out there . Failing is part of the journey they’ll be the best lessons you will get . And live under your means and invest in yourself.

10. What can we expect to see from you in the near future?

You can expect a lot of new music from the guys I work with especially artist like “Brodiefresh and Money M “ ,a lot of cross branding , and a lot of new unexpected investment ventures.

Link to his artist music

Link to company Instagram

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